Advance Voting

Cast Your Vote Early

Voting in Kansas is easier than ever. With advance voting, any registered voter can vote from home, by mail or in person before Election Tuesday.

Request an Advance Voting Ballot

Contact your county election officer to request an application for an advance voting ballot (PDF). Complete the application and return it to your county election officer. You can have your ballot mailed to you starting 20 days before the election. Beginning in 2012, a voter requesting a ballot by mail must either write his or her driver's license number on the application or send a copy of a photo ID to get a ballot.

Submitting Your Advance Voting Ballot

You may vote in person in the county election office starting the Tuesday before election day, or up to 20 days before the election, depending on the county. All ballots must be received in the county election office by the close of polls on election day.

Please note: Sick, disabled or illiterate voters may receive assistance in applying for and casting advance voting ballots.