The Caney City Council acts as the legislative branch of our government, as well as its policy-making body. The Council looks to the city's goals, major projects, and infrastructure improvements ranging from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning. The Council's goal is to do the very best to represent their constituents after they've seen to the needs of the city as a whole.
Contact Info
Zachary Ellison
Ward 1
Term Expires 2026
Jeff Culver
Ward 1
Term Expires
Justin Harkey
Ward 2
Term Expires 2026
Kenith Butts
Ward 2
Term Expires 2028
Lori Patterson
Ward 3
Term Expires 2026
Elizabeth Burch
Ward 3
Term Expires 2028
Lisa Gorby
Ward 4
Term Expires 2028
Kerry Gorby
Ward 4
Term Expires 2026

Ward Map
Frequently Asked Questions
How many Councilmembers does Caney have?
There are eight (8) councilmembers.
How are the City Councilmember selected?
The City Councilmembers are elected by the vote of the people. A general election of city officers take place on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November every year for all such governing body positions whose terms have expired. One council member from each ward shall be elected at one election, and the other council member from that ward shall be elected at the succeeding election. The council members shall have two year terms. Primary elections, if needed, shall be conducted in accordance with law
How is the Mayor Selected?
The Mayor is elected by teh vote of the people. A general election of city officers take place on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November every year for all such governing body positions whose terms have expired. The mayor shall have two year terms. Primary elections, if needed, shall be conducted in accordance with law
Do Councilmember/Mayor receive a salary?
When are the City Council meetings held?
The first and third Monday of each month.
What is an executive session?
Executive sessions are not open to the public and may only be held for very specific purposes:
1. Personnel matters of non-elected personnel.
2. Consultation with an attorney on matters that would be deemed privileged in an attorney-client relationship such as litigation or claims against the city.
3. Employer-employee relations and negotiations.
4. Discussions prior to acquisition of real estate.
5. Matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility, or the information system of a public body or agency.
6. Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of second parties.
No formal action may be taken while the Councilmembers are in an Executive Session. Any binding action must occur in an open public meeting.
What type of government does the City of Caney have?
The City of Caney operates under the Mayor/Council/Administrator form of government. There are eight elected council members by ward, and the mayor is elected as well. The mayor presides over meetings, signs official documents and performs ceremonial duties.
What are the duties of the City Administrator?
The city administrator is appointed by the City Council and is responsible for implementing the policies adopted by the commission and supervising the day-to-day operations of the City.